Jürgen Knoblich
Date and Place of Birth |
October 24, 1963 in Memmingen, Germany |
Nationality |
German |
Present Address |
Institute of Molecular Biotechnology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (IMBA) |
Telephone |
+43 1 790 44 4800 |
Website |
Professional Experience
01/05-current |
Deputy Director |
01/04-current |
Senior Scientist |
09/97-01/04 |
Group Leader |
07/94-09/97 |
Post-Doctoral Position |
10/90-06/94 |
Ph.D. Thesis: |
07/89-09/90 |
Diploma Thesis: |
10/83-07/89 |
Program in Biochemistry |
10/86-10/87 |
University College London |
Awards and Fellowships
2012 |
Erwin Schroedinger Prize (2012) |
2010 |
Advanced Research Grant (2010) |
2009 |
Wittgenstein Prize (2009) |
2003 |
Early Career Award |
2001 |
Young Investigator Award |
2001 |
Anniversary Award |
1994 |
Postdoctoral Fellowship (07/94-07/96) |
1996 |
Postdoctoral Fellowship (07/96 - 09/97) |
2014 |
EMBO council, elected member |
2013 |
Austrian Academy of Sciences |
2012 |
Academia Europaea |
2005-2013 |
EMBO fellowship committee (Chairperson 2010 - 2013) |
2009 |
Editorial Board Current Opinion in Cell Biology |
2008-2011 |
Scientific Advisory Board, Cancer Stem Cell Network, Deutsche Krebshilfe e.V. (German Cancer Aid) |
2004 |
Editorial Board, European Journal of Cell Biology |
2002 |
Editorial Board, Current Biology |
2002 |
EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organisation), elected member |
2002 |
ISSCR (International Society for Stem Cell Research), Member |
Ten most relevant Publications
Betschinger, J., Mechtler, K. and Knoblich, J.A. (2003). The Par complex directs asymmetric cell division by phosphorylating the cytoskeletal protein Lgl. Nature, 422, 326-330.
Emery, G., Hutterer, A., Berdnik, D., Mayer, B., Wirtz-Peitz, F., Gonzalez Gaitan, M., and Knoblich, J. A. (2005). Asymmetric rab11 endosomes regulate Delta recycling and specify cell fate in the Drosophila nervous system. Cell 122, 763-773.
Betschinger, J., Mechtler, K., and Knoblich, J. A. (2006). Asymmetric segregation of the tumor suppressor brat regulates self-renewal in Drosophila neural stem cells. Cell 124, 1241-1253.
Neumüller, R.A., Betschinger, J., Fischer, A., Bushati, N., Poernbacher, I., Mechtler, K., Stephen M. Cohen, S.M. and Knoblich, J.A. (2008). Mei-P26 regulates micro RNAs and cell growth in the Drosophila ovarian stem cell lineage, Nature, 454, 241-245.
Wirtz-Peitz, F., Nishimura, T., and Knoblich, J.A. (2008). Linking cell cycle to asymmetric division: Aurora-A phosphorylates the Par complex to regulate Numb localization, Cell, 135, 161-173.
Schwamborn, J.C. Berezikov, E., and Knoblich, J.A. (2009). The Brat homolog TRIM32 Prevents Self-renewal in Neural Progenitors by Degrading c-Myc and Activating Micro-RNAs, Cell, 136, 913-925.
Mummery-Widmer, J.L., Yamazaki, M., Stoeger, T., Novatchkova, M., Chen, D., Dietzl, G., Dickson, B.J., and Knoblich, J.A. (2009) Genome-wide analysis of Drosophila external sensory organ development by transgenic RNAi, Nature, 458, 987-992.
Lancaster, M. A., Renner, M., Martin, C. A., Wenzel, D., Bicknell, L. S., Hurles, M. E., Homfray, T., Penninger, J. M., Jackson, A. P., and Knoblich, J. A. (2013). Cerebral organoids model human brain development and microcephaly. Nature 501, 373-379.
Eroglu, E., Burkard, T. R., Jiang, Y., Saini, N., Homem, C. C., Reichert, H., and Knoblich, J. A. (2014). SWI/SNF Complex Prevents Lineage Reversion and Induces Temporal Patterning in Neural Stem Cells. Cell 156, 1259-1273.
Homem, C. C., Steinmann, V., Burkard, T. R., Jais, A., Esterbauer, H., and Knoblich, J. A. (2014). Ecdysone and mediator change energy metabolism to terminate proliferation in Drosophila neural stem cells. Cell 158, 874-888.
Publications (complete list)
Marchetti, G., Reichardt, I., Knoblich, JA., Besse, F. (2014). The TRIM-NHL Protein Brat Promotes Axon Maintenance by Repressing src64B Expression. J Neurosci. 34(41):13855-64
Homem, C. C., Steinmann, V., Burkard, T. R., Jais, A., Esterbauer, H., and Knoblich, J. A. (2014). Ecdysone and mediator change energy metabolism to terminate proliferation in Drosophila neural stem cells. Cell 158, 874-888.
Lancaster, MA., Knoblich, JA. (2014). Generation of cerebral organoids from human pluripotent stem cells. Nat Protoc. 9(10):2329-40
Mauri, F., Reichardt, I., Mummery-Widmer, J. L., Yamazaki, M., and Knoblich, J. A. (2014). The Conserved Discs-large Binding Partner Banderuola Regulates Asymmetric Cell Division in Drosophila. Curr Biol 24, 1811-1825.
Yasugi, T., Fischer, A., Jiang, Y., Reichert, H., and Knoblich, J. A. (2014). A regulatory transcriptional loop controls proliferation and differentiation in Drosophila neural stem cells. PLoS One 9, e97034.
Williams, SE., Ratliff, LA., Postiglione, MP., Knoblich, JA., Fuchs, E. (2014). Par3-mInsc and Gαi3 cooperate to promote oriented epidermal cell divisions through LGN. Nat Cell Biol. 16, 758-769.
Ayukawa, T., Akiyama, M., Mummery-Widmer, JL., Stoeger, T., Sasaki, J., Knoblich, JA., Senoo, H., Sasaki, T., Yamazaki, M. (2014). Dachsous-Dependent Asymmetric Localization of Spiny-Legs Determines Planar Cell Polarity Orientation in Drosophila. Cell Rep. 8, 610-621.
Lancaster, M. A., and Knoblich, J. A. (2014). Organogenesis in a dish: modeling development and disease using organoid technologies. Science 345, 1247125.
Eroglu, E., Burkard, T. R., Jiang, Y., Saini, N., Homem, C. C., Reichert, H., and Knoblich, J. A. (2014). SWI/SNF Complex Prevents Lineage Reversion and Induces Temporal Patterning in Neural Stem Cells. Cell 156, 1259-1273.
Hagelkruys, A., Lagger, S., Krahmer, J., Leopoldi, A., Artaker, M., Pusch, O., Zezula, J., Weissmann, S., Xie, Y., Schofer, C., Schlederer, M., Brosch, G., Matthias, P., Selfridge, J., Lassmann, H., Knoblich, J. A., and Seiser, C. (2014). A single allele of Hdac2 but not Hdac1 is sufficient for normal mouse brain development in the absence of its paralog. Development 141, 604-616.
Jüschke, C., Dohnal, I., Pichler, P., Harzer, H., Swart, R., Ammerer, G., Mechtler, K., Knoblich, JA. (2013). Transcriptome and proteome quantification of a tumor model provides novel insights into post-transcriptional gene regulation. Genome Biol. 14(11):R133
Bardet, A. F., Steinmann, J., Bafna, S., Knoblich, J. A., Zeitlinger, J., and Stark, A. (2013). Identification of transcription factor binding sites from ChIP-seq data at high resolution. Bioinformatics 29, 2705-2713.
Homem, CC., Reichardt, I., Berger, C., Lendl, T., Knoblich, JA. (2013). Long-Term Live Cell Imaging and Automated 4D Analysis of Drosophila Neuroblast Lineages. PLoS One. 8(11):e79588
Jüschke, C., Xie, Y., Postiglione, M. P., and Knoblich, J. A. (2013). Analysis and modeling of mitotic spindle orientations in three dimensions. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Lancaster, M. A., Renner, M., Martin, C. A., Wenzel, D., Bicknell, L. S., Hurles, M. E., Homfray, T., Penninger, J. M., Jackson, A. P., and Knoblich, J. A. (2013). Cerebral organoids model human brain development and microcephaly. Nature 501, 373-379.
Xie, Y., Jüschke, C., Esk, C., Hirotsune, S., Knoblich, JA. (2013). The Phosphatase PP4c Controls Spindle Orientation to Maintain Proliferative Symmetric Divisions in the Developing Neocortex. Neuron. 79(2):254-65
Reichardt, I., Knoblich, JA. (2013). Cell biology: Notch recycling is numbed. Curr Biol. 23(7):R270-2
Sparmann, A., Xie, Y., Verhoeven, E., Vermeulen, M., Lancini, C., Gargiulo, G., Hulsman, D., Mann, M., Knoblich, J. A., and van Lohuizen, M. (2013). The chromodomain helicase Chd4 is required for Polycomb-mediated inhibition of astroglial differentiation. EMBO J 32, 1598-1612.
Harzer, H., Berger, C., Conder, R., Schmauss, G., Knoblich, JA. (2013). FACS purification of Drosophila larval neuroblasts for next-generation sequencing. Nat Protoc. 8(6):1088-99
Homem, CC., Knoblich, JA. (2012). Drosophila neuroblasts: a model for stem cell biology. Development 139(23):4297-310
Goulas, S., Conder, R., Knoblich, JA. (2012). The par complex and integrins direct asymmetric cell division in adult intestinal stem cells. Cell Stem Cell 11(4):529-40
Berger, C., Harzer, H., Burkard, TR., Steinmann, J., van der Horst, S., Laurenson, AS., Novatchkova, M., Reichert, H., Knoblich, JA. (2012). FACS purification and transcriptome analysis of drosophila neural stem cells reveals a role for Klumpfuss in self-renewal. Cell Rep. 2(2):407-18
Lancaster, M.A., Knoblich J.A. (2012). Spindle orientation in mammalian cerebral cortical development. Curr Opin Neurobiol 22, 737-746.
Postiglione, M. P., Juschke, C., Xie, Y., Haas, G. A., Charalambous, C., and Knoblich, J. A. (2011). Mouse inscuteable induces apical-basal spindle orientation to facilitate intermediate progenitor generation in the developing neocortex. Neuron 72, 269-284.
Richter, C., Oktaba, K., Steinmann, J., Muller, J., and Knoblich, J. A. (2011). The tumour suppressor L(3)mbt inhibits neuroepithelial proliferation and acts on insulator elements. Nat Cell Biol 13, 1029-1039.
Neumüller R.A., Constance Richter, C., Fischer, A., Novatchkova, M., Neumüller, K.G. and Knoblich, J.A. (2011) Genome wide analysis of self-renewal in Drosophila neural stem cells by transgenic RNAi. Cell Stem Cell 8, 580-593.
Khazaei, M. R., Bunk, E. C., Hillje, A. L., Jahn, H. M., Riegler, E. M., Knoblich, J. A., Young, P., and Schwamborn, J. C. (2011). The E3-ubiquitin ligase TRIM2 regulates neuronal polarization. J Neurochem 117, 29-37.
Knoblich, J. A. (2010). Asymmetric cell division: recent developments and their implications for tumour biology. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 11, 849-860.
Neumüller, R.A. and Knoblich, J.A. (2009). Dividing cellular asymmetry: asymmetric cell division and its implications for stem cells and cancer. Genes Dev 23, 2675-2699.
Conder, R., and Knoblich, J. A. (2009). Fly stem cell research gets infectious. Cell 137, 1185-1187.
Neumuller, R. A., and Knoblich, J. A. (2009). Wicked views on stem cell news. Nat Cell Biol 11, 678-679.
Coumailleau, F., Fürthauer, M., Knoblich, J.A. and González-Gaitán, M. (2009). Directional Delta/Notch trafficking in asymmetric Sara endosomes during asymmetric cell division. Nature, 458, 1051-1055.
Mummery-Widmer, J.L., Yamazaki, M., Stoeger, T., Novatchkova, M., Chen, D., Dietzl, G., Dickson, B.J., and Knoblich, J.A. (2009) Genome-wide analysis of Drosophila external sensory organ development by transgenic RNAi, Nature, 458, 987-992.
Schwamborn, J.C. Berezikov, E., and Knoblich, J.A. (2009). The TRIM-NHL protein TRIM32 activates microRNAs and prevents self-renewal in mouse neural progenitors, Cell, 136, 913-925.
Barral, Y., and Knoblich, J. (2008). Cell division, growth and death (Editorial Overview). Curr Opin Cell Biol 20, 647-649.
Benetka, W., Mehlmer, N., Maurer-Stroh, S., Sammer, M., Koranda, M., Neumuller, R., Betschinger, J., Knoblich, J. A., Teige, M., and Eisenhaber, F. (2008). Experimental testing of predicted myristoylation targets involved in asymmetric cell division and calcium-dependent signalling. Cell Cycle 7, 3709-3719.
Wirtz-Peitz, F., Nishimura, T., and Knoblich, J.A. (2008). Linking cell cycle to asymmetric division: Aurora-A phosphorylates the Par complex to regulate Numb localization, Cell, 135, 161-173.
Neumüller, R.A., Betschinger, J., Fischer, A., Bushati, N., Poernbacher, I., Mechtler, K., Stephen M. Cohen, S.M. and Knoblich, J.A. (2008). Mei-P26 regulates micro RNAs and cell growth in the Drosophila ovarian stem cell lineage, Nature, 454, 241-245.
Speicher, S., Fischer, A., Knoblich, J. A., and Carmena, A. (2008) The PDZ Protein Canoe Regulates the Asymmetric Division of Drosophila Neuroblasts and Muscle Progenitors . Curr Biol, 18, 831-837.
Bowman, S. K., Rolland, V., Betschinger, J., Kinsey, K. A., Emery, G., and Knoblich, J. A. (2008). The Tumor Suppressors Brat and Numb Regulate Transit-Amplifying Neuroblast Lineages in Drosophila. Dev Cell, 14, 535-546.
Schwamborn, J.C. amd Knoblich, J.A. (2008) Lis1 and spindle orientation in neuroepithelial cells. Cell Stem Cell, 2, 193-194.
Knoblich, J.A. (2008) Mechanisms of Asymmetric Stem Cell Division, Cell, 132, 583-597.
Jüschke, C. and Knoblich, J.A. (2008) Purification of Drosophila Protein Complexes for Mass Spectrometry, Methods Mol Biol., 420, 347-58.
Knoblich, J.A. (2007) On the backroads to cellular asymmetry, Development 134, 4311-4313.
Knoblich, J. A. (2006). Cell biology. Sara splits the signal. Science 314, 1094-1096.
Gallagher, C. and Knoblich, J.A. (2006) The conserved C2 domain protein Lethal (2) giant discs regulates protein trafficking in Drosophila. Dev Cell, 11, 641-653.
Emery, G. and Knoblich, J.A. (2006). Endosome dynamics during development. Curr Opin Cell Biol, 18, 407-415.
Hutterer, A., Berdnik, D., Wirtz-Peitz, F., Zigman, M., Schleiffer, A. and Knoblich, J. A. (2006). Mitotic activation of the kinase Aurora-A requires its binding partner Bora. Dev Cell, 11, 147-157.
Bowman, S. K., Neumuller, R. A., Novatchkova, M., Du, Q., and Knoblich, J. A. (2006). The Drosophila NuMA Homolog Mud Regulates Spindle Orientation in Asymmetric Cell Division. Dev Cell 10, 731-742.
Wirtz-Peitz, F., and Knoblich, J. A. (2006). Lethal giant larvae take on a life of their own. Trends Cell Biol 16, 234-241.
Betschinger, J., Mechtler, K., and Knoblich, J. A. (2006). Asymmetric segregation of the tumor suppressor brat regulates self-renewal in Drosophila neural stem cells. Cell 124, 1241-1253.
Vishnu, S., Hertenstein, A., Betschinger, J., Knoblich, J. A., Gert de Couet, H., and Fischbach, K. F. (2006). The adaptor protein X11Lalpha/Dmint1 interacts with the PDZ-binding domain of the cell recognition protein Rst in Drosophila. Dev Biol 289, 296-307
Knoblich, J.A. (2005) Pins for Spines. Nature Cell Biology, 7, 1057-1058.
Zigman, M., Cayouette, M., Charalambous, C., Schleiffer, A., Hoeller, O., Dunican, D., McCudden, C.R., Firnberg, R., Barres, B.A., Siderovski, D.P. and Knoblich, J.A. (2005) Mammalian Inscuteable regulates spindle orientation and cell fate in the developing retina. Neuron, 48, 539-545.
Mayer, B., Emery, G., Berdnik, D., Wirtz-Peitz, F. and Knoblich, J.A.. (2005) Quantitative analysis of protein dynamics during asymmetric cell division. Curr Biol, 15, 1847-1854.
Hampoelz, B., Hoeller, O., Bowman, S.K., Dunican, D., and Knoblich, J.A. (2005) Drosophila Ric-8 is essential for plasma membrane localization of heterotrimeric G proteins. Nature Cell Biology, 7, 1099-1105.
Jafar-Nejad, H., Andrews, H. K., Acar, M., Bayat, V., Wirtz-Peitz, F., Mehta, S. Q., Knoblich, J. A., and Bellen, H. J. (2005). Sec15, a Component of the Exocyst, Promotes Notch Signaling during the Asymmetric Division of Drosophila Sensory Organ Precursors. Dev Cell 9, 351-363.
Emery, G., Hutterer, A., Berdnik, D., Mayer, B., Wirtz-Peitz, F., Gonzalez Gaitan, M., and Knoblich, J. A. (2005). Asymmetric rab11 endosomes regulate Delta recycling and specify cell fate in the Drosophila nervous system. Cell 122, 763-773.
Bhalerao, S., Berdnik, D., Torok, T., and Knoblich, J. A. (2005). Localization-dependent and -independent roles of numb contribute to cell-fate specification in Drosophila. Curr Biol 15, 1583-1590.
Hutterer, A., and Knoblich, J. A. (2005). Numb and alpha-Adaptin regulate Sanpodo endocytosis to specify cell fate in Drosophila external sensory organs. EMBO Rep 6, 836-842.
Zarnescu, D. C., Jin, P., Betschinger, J., Nakamoto, M., Wang, Y., Dockendorff, T. C., Feng, Y., Jongens, T. A., Sisson, J. C., Knoblich, J. A., Warren, S. T., and Moses, K. (2005). Fragile x protein functions with lgl and the par complex in flies and mice. Dev Cell 8, 43-52.
Betschinger, J., Eisenhaber, F., and Knoblich, J. A. (2005). Phosphorylation-induced autoinhibition regulates the cytoskeletal protein Lethal (2) giant larvae. Curr Biol 15, 276-282.
Knoblich, J. A. (2005). Neurobiology: getting axons going. Nature 436, 632-633.
Hampoelz, B., and Knoblich, J. A. (2004). Heterotrimeric G proteins: new tricks for an old dog. Cell 119, 453-456.
Betschinger, J., and Knoblich, J. A. (2004). Dare to Be Different: Asymmetric Cell Division in Drosophila, C. elegans and Vertebrates. Curr Biol 14, R674-685.
Hutterer, A., Betschinger, J., Petronczki, M., and Knoblich, J. A. (2004). Sequential Roles of Cdc42, Par-6, aPKC, and Lgl in the Establishment of Epithelial Polarity during Drosophila Embryogenesis. Dev Cell 6, 845-854.
Subramanian, A., Prokop, A., Yamamoto, M., Sugimura, K., Uemura, T., Betschinger, J., Knoblich, J. A., and Volk, T. (2003). Shortstop recruits EB1/APC1 and promotes microtubule assembly at the muscle-tendon junction. Curr Biol 13, 1086-1095.
Blumer, J. B., Bernard, M. L., Peterson, Y. K., Nezu, J., Chung, P., Dunican, D. J., Knoblich, J. A., and Lanier, S. M. (2003). Interaction of activator of G-protein signaling 3 (AGS3) with LKB1, a serine/threonine kinase involved in cell polarity and cell cycle progression: phosphorylation of the G-protein regulatory (GPR) motif as a regulatory mechanism for the interaction of GPR motifs with Gi alpha. J Biol Chem 278, 23217-23220.
Betschinger, J., Mechtler, K. and Knoblich, J.A. (2003). The Par complex directs asymmetric cell division by phosphorylating the cytoskeletal protein Lgl. Nature, 422, 326-330.
Berdnik, D., Török, T., González-Gaitán, M., and Knoblich, J. A. (2002). The Endocytic Protein -Adaptin Is Required for Numb-Mediated Asymmetric Cell Division in Drosophila. Developmental Cell, 3, 221-231.
Berdnik, D. and Knoblich, J. A. (2002). Drosophila Aurora-A is required for centrosome maturation and actin dependent asymmetric protein localization during mitosis. Current Biology, 12, 640-647.
Tekotte, H. Berdnik, D., Török, T., Buszczak, M., Jones, L. M., Cooley, L., Knoblich, J. A. and Davis, I (2002). dcas is required for importin-3 nuclear export and mechano-sensory organ cell fate specification in Drosophila. Developmental Biology, 244, 396-406.
Knoblich, J. A. (2001). The Drosophila nervous system as a model for asymmetric cell division. Symp. Soc. Exp. Biol. 53, 75-89.
Schaefer, M., Petronczki, M., Dorner, D., Forte, M. and Knoblich, J.A. (2001). Heterotrimeric G-Proteins Direct Two Modes of Asymmetric Cell Division in the Drosophila Nervous System. Cell, 107, 183-194.
Huynh, J. R., Petronczki, M, Knoblich, J. A., and St Johnston D. (2001). Bazooka and PAR-6 are required with PAR-1 for the maintenance of oocyte fate in Drosophila. Curr Biol. 11, 901-906.
Schaefer, M. and Knoblich, J. A. (2001). Protein Localization during Asymmetric Cell Division. Experimental Cell Research, 271, 66-74.
Bulgheresi, S., Kleiner, E. and Knoblich, J.A. (2001). Inscuteable dependent apical localization of the microtubule-binding protein Cornetto suggests a role in asymmetric cell division. Journal of Cell Science, 114, 3655-3662.
Knoblich, J. A. (2001). Asymmetric Cell Division During Animal Development. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 2, 11-20.
Knoblich, J.A. (2001). The Drosophila nervous system as a model for asymmetric cell division. In: Brain Stem Cells. Ed. Miyan, J., Beesley, P. and Thorndyke, M. (BIOS Scientific Publishers, Oxford). 75-89.
Petronczki, M. and Knoblich, J.A. (2001). DmPAR-6 directs epithelial polarity and asymmetric cell division of neuroblasts in Drosophila. Nature Cell Biology, 3, 43-49.
Knoblich, J.A. (2000). Epithelial polarity: The ins and outs of the fly epidermis. Current Biology, 10, R791-794.
Schaefer, M., Shevchenko, A., Shevchenko, A. and Knoblich, J. A. (2000). A protein complex containing Inscuteable and the G alpha binding protein Pins is implicated in orienting asymmetric cell divisions in Drosophila. Current Biology, 10, 353-362.
Schober, M., Schaefer, M., and Knoblich, J.A. (1999). Bazooka recruits Inscuteable to orient asymmetric cell divisions in Drosophila neuroblasts. Nature 402, 548-551.
Knoblich, J.A., Jan, L.Y., and Jan, Y.N. (1999). Deletion analysis of the Drosophila Inscuteable protein reveals domains for cortical localization and asymmetric localization. Current Biology 11, 155-158.
Glotzer, M. and Knoblich, J.A. (1998). Cell multiplication (editorial overview). Current Opinion in Cell Biology 10, 739-741.
Jacobs, H., Knoblich, J.A., and Lehner, C.F. (1998). Drosophila Cyclin B3 is required for female fertility and is dispensable for mitosis like Cyclin B. Genes and Development 12, 3741-3751.
Shen, C. P., Knoblich, J. A., Chan, Y. M., Jiang, M. M., Jan, L. Y., and Jan, Y. N. (1998). Miranda as a multidomain adapter linking apically localized inscuteable and basally localized Staufen and Prospero during asymmetric cell division in Drosophila. Genes and Development 12, 1837-46.
Knoblich, J. A., Jan, L. Y., and Jan, Y. N. (1997). The N terminus of the Drosophila Numb protein directs membrane association and actin-dependent asymmetric localization. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 94, 13005-10.
Knoblich, J. A., Jan, L. Y., and Jan, Y. N. (1997). Asymmetric segregation of the Drosophila Numb protein during mitosis: facts and speculations. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol 62, 71-7.
Knoblich, J. A. (1997). Mechanisms of asymmetric cell division during animal development. Curr Opin Cell Biol 9, 833-41.
Frise, E., Knoblich, J.A., Younger-Shepherd, S., Jan, L.Y., and Jan, Y.N. (1996). The Drosophila Numb protein inhibits signaling of the Notch receptor during cell-cell interaction in sensory organ lineage. PNAS 93, 11925-11932.
Kraut, R., Chia, W., Jan, L.Y., Jan, Y.N., and Knoblich, J.A. (1996). Role of inscuteable in orienting asymmetric cell divisions in Drosophila. Nature 383, 50-55.
Knoblich, J.A., Jan, L.Y. and Jan, Y.N. (1995). Asymmetric segregation of Numb and Prospero during cell division. Nature 377, 624-627.
Rhyu, M.S. and Knoblich, J.A. (1995). Spindle orientation and asymmetric cell fate. Cell 82, 523-526.
Sauer, K., Knoblich, J.A., Richardson, H. and Lehner, C.F. (1995). Distinct modes of cyclin E/cdc2c kinase regulation and S-phase control in mitotic and endoreduplication cycles of Drosophila embryogenesis. Genes and Development 9, 1327-1329.
Kreutzer, M.A., Richards, J.P., De Silva-Udawatta, M.N., Temenak, J.J., Knoblich, J.A., Lehner, C.F., and Bennett, K.L. (1995). Caenorhabditis elegans cyclin A- and B-type genes: A cyclin A multigene family, an ancestral cyclin B3 and differential germline expression. Journal of Cell Science 108, 2415-2424.
Knoblich, J.A., Sauer, K., Jones, L., Richardson, H., Saint, R. and Lehner, C.F. (1994). Cyclin E controls S phase progression and its down-regulation during Drosophila embryogenesis is required for the arrest of cell proliferation. Cell 77, 107-129.
Knoblich, J.A. and Lehner, C.F. (1993). Synergistic action of Drosophila cyclins A and B during the G2-M transition. EMBO Journal 12, 65-74.
Lehner, C.F., Ried, G., Stern, B. and Knoblich, J.A. (1992). Cyclins and cdc2 kinases in Drosophila: genetic analyses in a higher eukaryote. Ciba Foundation Symposium 170, 97-109.